What is the
most intensely pleasurable experience you've ever
had? Only body pleasure counts, not some thought or
wish or fantasy.
On a scale of from 1 to 100, how would you
rate that pleasure against the best possible
pleasure that you can imagine people can really
Is it anywhere near 100? 90? 80? 70? 60? 50?
40? 30?
How many times have you had the most
intensely pleasurable experience you've ever
Why don't you have that most intense pleasure
every day--or at least every week?
Consider this: each and every day
of your life, you are tricked out of experiencing
real pleasure. Instead you are tricked into
distractions from real pleasure. You are tricked
accepting inferior substitutes and calling them
pleasure: snacks, tv shows, music, a cigarette,
We accept the violent death of others
because we are mostly dead ourselves, living
without any experience of the most intense
pleasures out bodies allow.
We are mostly dead ourselves because
society's rules--and the 'brainwashing' that goes
with them--fence in our desires and their