Consider this: we accept
the violent death of others because we are mostly dead
ourselves. We are mostly dead ourselves because
society's rules--and the 'brainwashing' that goes with
them--fence in our desires and their fulfillment.
In a more ideal society, one without the rules
we exist under, why would a person who really loves
men--and sex with men--want to see any man be
killed--who while alive is a potential lover--unless
that man was guilty of some heinous crime? And even
In a more ideal society, one without the rules
we exist under, why would a person who really loves
women--and sex with women--want to see any woman be
killed--who while alive is a potential lover-- unless
that woman was guilty of some heinous crime. And even
The 60's 'Make love, not war' slogan has a
Consider this: homosexual men in the military
undermine morale (one suspects) not because they could
create dissension in the ranks by offering sex
inequitably among the troops (a suspicion that also
applies to women in the military) but because of the
underlying fear that a man who loves men would rather
have sex--at least once--with a man than kill
How can a homosexual not be specially attuned to
the waste of war--to unending acts of
Every dead man is a potential cock that won't
get sucked, a potentially ecstatic experience,