How to successfully
forbid acts, suppress behavior? How to successfully
prevent thoughts from occuring, prevent one thing from
leading to another, as the mind naturally wants
If you want to suppress contact with the
powerfully wet core of the onion, you must first
suppress contact with its dry outer skin.
Remember those sins of 'thought, word and deed'?
Thinking, hearing/saying, doing. To that list we must
expressly add mass media (virtual pictorial
experience) into the second item on the list.
By doing that we create a sequence of repression
and suppression that begins as far out at the
periphery, as far away from the forbidden act as is
possible. That way there are many walls of obstruction
to overcome before you get at all close to doing the
act that is forbidden.
Bias people's thinking by using language that
slants their thinking BEFORE they have a chance to
EXPERIENCE whatever behavior is being suppressed. In
the absence of virtual or real experience, the slanted
language will be the only reality.
To suppress behavior, start by supressing words
for that behavior.
Certain countries prohibit showing anyone the
soles of your feet. That's a good example of the
technique of suppressing a targeted behavior by
suppressing the behaviors related to it. For
example, the rule is: can't show the soles of your
What physical position(s) would you have to be
in for the soles of your feet to be seen by someone
else? Or what position would you be in to be seeing
the soles of someone else's feet.
Consider this strong example of a tabooed thought
being started way out on the periphery, but it
demonstrates that process:
Consider the traditional claim that Jesus Christ
was God and fully human at the same time. That claim
can open a dangerous door unless you cut off the
following chain of thoughts as soon as
He was fully human. If so, he did all that
humans do, in fact had to. If so, he had to urinate
and defecate. If so, he had erections. If so, he
ejaculated and had orgasms. If so, he could have
sexual intercourse. If so, he could have children. If
so, he could have descendents. If so, someone living
today could be a blood descendent of Jesus Christ.
That leads to claims such as those in HOLY BLOOD, HOLY
There are those who don't want want that last
idea thought at all and so start the supression way
back along that train of thoughts, to knock the whole
thing off the tracks before it even starts. One reason
is that he can belong to all of us only by belonging
to no one of us. Another reasons is that the authority
of a direct blood descendent would take precedence of
unrelated authorities because the question of some
touch of divinity would be raised.
Believer or not, it's an example of the desire
to suppress(and repress) thoughts and having to start
at the far periphery, as far away from the forbidden
core as possible, to put as many layers of resistance
and repression in front of the mind as